Cheese Dessert Buffet @ NOKA Roast & Grill

By Kansai & Beyond

Updated November 28, 2021

Welcome to another blog! This will be a short one, as I'm not sure if this experience will benefit anyone in the future but I do want to share my experience at this restaurant for this limited time event.

NOKA Roast & Grill is located at the Osaka Intercontinental Hotel.

It's currently running a "OH MY CHEESE" Cheese Dessert & Autumn buffet for 5500 yen (plus tax).

NOKA is a... as the name suggests, a Roast & Grill restaurant. They are also one of the places you will find a lunch buffet and they are probably one of the top results on a restaurant booking site for buffets like OpenTable or Ikyu. I've always wanted to try their lunch buffet, but I can never really vibe with any of their "themes" and their price points for it.

I do however, very much vibe with cheese. And even though it's not a lunch buffet, I figured cheese can be savory & sweet - so it's sort of just a late lunch (this is considered an "Afternoon Tea" buffet, I suppose).

Of course, because we're at the Intercontinental - a high-class hotel in a smack middle of Osaka, there's ALWAYS a view. So enjoy the view:

View of northern Osaka skyline

A beautiful sight of Umeda Sky Building. Not the best Hotel View, but pretty good! The unfortunate part of the restaurant floor here at the Intercontinental is that they divided up the floor for three different restaurants. So you cannot get a lot of different views with just one meal. Oh well!

Anyway, let's talk about the CHEEEEEEEESE

Sign that reads NOKA Roast & Grill

Hand holding up a small menu

The cheese buffet is MAINLY desserts.

Most of the cakes and bite-sized eats have cheese. Or it features some kind of autumn fruit & foods like chestnut (ew), grapes and strawberries. Thankfully the chestnut only appeared in the tiramisu... but that means I wasn't able to have the tiramisu. :(

Small plate with pieces of fruits, bread, and marshmallows

There's a cheese fondue at every table. Yum!! It was really delicious, but I couldn't finish it since I mean... cheese is pretty heavy.

Drink menu for complementary drinks

That's your drink menu. All-you-can-drink!

Service was very attentive, mostly. To keep the tables I suppose... clean... they would take the drink menus away and come back with them when it looks like your drinks are empty. It's a nice gesture, but I felt like they were a bit too short-staffed to really manage this properly, so I had to always awkwardly wave someone over to get refills. lol. #firstworldproblems I suppose.

Drinks were lovely, of course. TWG teas don't disappoint!

Buffet area

Plate with many bite-sized pastries

Plate with nuts and cheese

Everything was honestly really lovely.

But can we talk about THESE NUTS?!? They're cheese-flavoured nuts and oh my cheese they are SO GOOD. Give me like, a box of these PLEASE.

My only complaint is that there aren't as much savory foods as I liked. With the cheese desserts, it really needed some more carbs or meats to help complement and reset the tastes. The only savories they had were mostly the pictures I had, plus some veggie dip & stir fry potatoes (with cheese). All very strong-tasting foods.

Anyway, here's a short of some desserts they offered:

Overall, I definitely enjoyed my time here. It's a 90-minute buffet, which seems short but honestly with all the cheese... you'll be full pretty quickly anyway.

To finish off, here's more views & Xmas decor for you!

Thanks for reading!!

Decorated Christmas tree

View of Osaka sky building out the window

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River with cherry blossomsWoman sitting on a bench at a lakeTacosA bowl of yellow stuffOsaka castle

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