Job Hunting...?

By Kansai & Beyond

Updated November 22, 2021

I'm an avid reddit creeper. I like going on the Japan subreddits and reading about people's opinions on things. Especially about job hunting and people trying to get out of teaching English.

Evidently, that would be a dream for me as well. But I don't know... I don't mind staying in teaching? Of course it would be nice to do something else. I would love to do graphic design, or maybe do something in tourism. I enjoy both things and currently doing as a hobby. It's been a lot of fun doing it during my own free time. However, I currently just want a stable job in English Teaching so I can focus on switching careers.

It just doesn't seem to be in my favour at the moment......

People on reddit who aren't job hunting are giving people this illusion that because foreigners are not entering the country, jobs are plentiful. Yes, it's plentiful if you aren't picky. Like, at all.

If you want to be underpaid, living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to even keep some emergency money for traveling home, then yes. Absolutely there are jobs.

But if you want some stability, a decent wage and employers that treat you like a human - there are very limited choices out there. I've so far applied to over 10 places... and only one response so. Sigh.

Don't know...

I'm starting to feel a bit dejected and useless, not going to lie.

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